Cracked Heels - Care and Home Treatments for This Unsightly Problem

Cracked heels [regular linear cut like wounds that affect the surface of the epidermis] are not harmful but very unsightly and if left without treatment they may turn into deeper fissures [cracks] which are painful, tend to bleed and may get infected [thus posing a added danger to the already unhealthy persons health] and take a lot longer to heal. As with all problems the more you neglect them the worse they become, care of the feet is needed to help prevent this problem.

Little Tike Bed


Little Tike Bed

The following symptoms are a great indication that you are neglecting your feet - never neglect your feet! Our feet are our means of transport to and from wherever we want to be, be it the bedroom or the kitchen, these smallish pieces of our anatomy are really important and great care should be taken so that they can stay healthy and continue with the job they were designed for.

1) Itchy skin - generally due to the drying out of the skin, which then shrinks causing a 'stretching' around the area when pressure is applied [standing, walking etc when the heels involved], this could cause the heel to crack. To treat this condition one must first get rid of the dry skin before attempting to treat the dryness with a foot cream.

2) Red flaky patches - a warning that dry cracked heels are on their way, treat this condition as promptly as possible, do not ignore as the condition will worsen.

3) Peeling or cracked skin - oops you have ignored the warning signs and neglected to treat the itch or red flakiness, never ever pull the dry skin off, this could damage the healthy skin and compound the problem. Use a small pair of nail scissors to cut away the dead skin [do this very carefully] before you begin treatment.

4) Bleeding or discharge from the cracks - a very serious problem [due to neglecting to take note of the warning signs above and total neglect of the feet], indicating that the lower levels of tissue are now involved and the patient will now be prone to infection in that area. At this time try avoiding closed shoes and socks, the dampness caused by these make a good breeding ground for fungus/yeast infections and you already have a wound for them to infect.

Common causes of this problem

* prolonged standing or change in walking posture
* hard walking surfaces
* thick dry calloused skin on the heel [usually due to excessive foot activity]
* overweight - increased pressure on the feet
* open back or ill fitting shoes/sandals
* water exposure - dries out the skins natural oils
* some disorders or diseases [athletes foot, psoriasis, eczema or thyroid problems etc]
* age - due to loss of elasticity of the skin
* bad foot hygiene - including living in unhygienic conditions
* deficiency in the necessary nutrients we need like vitamins, minerals and zinc

Remedies for cracked heels

1) vegetable oil or shortening - wash the affected areas and dry thoroughly, apply shortening or the vegetable oil [thick as possible] and pull on a pair of old woolen soaks, leave on overnight. This will soften the dry areas and you should see a improvement after doing this nightly for a few days.

2) banana, avocado and coconut - use 1/2 a avo, 1/2 a coconut and one banana, blend to a creamy paste and apply daily [cover with socks], the pulp of a banana is also very good to treat cracked heels - just put it over the area, leave for 15 minutes and rinse off.

3) lemon juice - soak your feet in lemon juice [natural acid which helps dissolve dead skin] for about 15 minutes, gently exfoliate the dry areas with a soft brush or loofah, rinse and dry your feet before applying nourishing foot balm/cream to your feet.

3) glycerin and rose water - a application of a mixture [half and half] of these two products is known to soothe and help heal cracks in the heel.

4) paraffin wax and mustard oil - melt a little paraffin wax, mix in a few drops of mustard oil and apply to the area every evening, cover with woolen socks and rinse off in the morning. This should be done every evening for 10 to 15 days for best results.

Good habits for foot care

* daily regime - get motivated and start caring for your feet daily, soak your feet in warm water for 15 minutes every evening, use a gentle brush to exfoliate, pat dry and apply a foot balm [to prevent cracks]. If the heel is already cracked you will need to make a mixture of the juice of one lemon mixed with a teaspoon of Vaseline, and once you have soaked and dried your feet you need to rub this mixture into both feet till it is absorbed [do this just before bed time and put on some woolen socks for best effect]. The oil and gentle acid in this mixture will assist in the easier removal of dead skin the next morning.

* exfoliate on a regular basis - make your own foot scrub with a little apple cider vinegar, a few spoons of raw honey and some crushed rice [course rice powder], mix till you obtain a thick paste [a spoon of olive oil can be added if the cracks are deep]. Now you need to soak your feet for around 20 minutes and then gently massage each foot with this paste, you will feel the dead skin being removed, when finished rinse, dry and apply your foot balm. A homemade balm of 1 tablespoon olive oil mixed with a couple of drops of lavender or lemon oil poured into a smallish bottle and topped up with water to form a milky solution [when shaken vigorously]. Rub this solution into your feet to help soothe and repair.

Improving your diet

As usual diet plays a important roll in preventing these fissures, if you find you are prone to these then you need to take a serious look at your nutrient intake, ensure that you are consuming enough of the following:

calcium, omega3 fatty acid, zinc, iron and all the usual vitamins [especially E]

The importance of foot care cannot be stressed enough - treat them well and they will carry you around happily for the rest of your natural life.

After writing this article I felt the need to go soak and exfoliate mine [made up a natural foot balm from above], I was reminded that I had neglected to care for them for quite a while [to busy etc], not only do my feet feel awesome but the 20 minutes I soaked them helped me to relax and get rid of the stress of the day.

Cracked Heels - Care and Home Treatments for This Unsightly Problem
Little Tike Bed

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